Ellerslie Business Association (EBA)
Who Are We? What Do We Do?
The Ellerslie Business Association (EBA) is a registered Incorporated Society with the key purpose to enhance Ellerslie Village and promote economic growth so that it is an area where people desire to live, work, and visit. We run local events & promotions, advocate on behalf of our members, and provide support & services to member businesses & property owners.
Our association represents & supports the nearly 200 business owners and landlords within Ellerslie Village and is funded by a targeted rate grant from local business ratepayers, administered by Auckland Council. Auckland Council supports Business Associations operating BID Programmes as set out in the council BID Policy 2022: https://bid.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/bid-policy. For more info visit: https://bid.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/
EBA is governed by an elected executive committee representing the business association & registered (full) members (see current executive board contact list link below). The executive board meets every two months. All members are invited to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in October each year (see meeting dates link below).
Ellerslie Business Association’s boundary area is known as a BID (Business Improvement District). This small geographic area extends from Ramsgate St along Main Highway around the corner to 8 Robert St, and up Ladies Mile including numbers 179 and 188. See Map Here: https://bid.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/Documents/BID%20rating%20maps/bidmap-ellerslie.pdf
For up-to-date EBA documents such as our Constitution, Annual Budget, Strategic Plan & Business Plan, please see the links below.
Ellerslie Business Association Membership
All Ellerslie BID (Business Improvement District) eligible members (this includes the businesses themselves and the landlords of those properties in the Ellerslie BID area) are entitled to free membership. However BID eligible members are required to complete the relevant membership forms below, and we encourage you to do this as comprehensively as possible, so we can include all your relevant info on our database & directories. It is also the responsibility of every member to keep their contact details updated with our office. Once the completed membership forms are received by the Ellerslie Business Association, members can be listed on our website & in the Ellerslie Village directory, along with being part of promotions & receiving Ellerslie Village information.
Full Membership
If you are a business located in our BID (Business Improvement District), you are automatically entitled to become a full member of Ellerslie Business Association for FREE.
All eligible businesses within this BID are required to complete the membership sign up below
Property Owner Membership
If you are a property owner located in our BID (Business Improvement District), you are automatically entitled to become a member of Ellerslie Business Association for FREE.
All eligible property owners within this BID are required to complete the landlord sign up below
Associate Membership
If you are not located in our BID but would like to become part of the Ellerslie Business Association, please get in touch! We’ll get you started, you can apply for Associate Membership for a modest annual fee. Associate Membership is subject to approval by the Ellerslie Business Association Executive Board.
As a full member, you receive great benefits, including:
More About the Ellerslie Business Association Incorporated
BID Programme
The Ellerslie Business Association is governed by a Constitution in partnership with Auckland Council Business Improvement District (BID) Programme Policy 2022. For further information and how the programme works Click Here
How is the BID Programme funded? Through the BID targeted rate process, Auckland Council applies the 5.81396% (2023-2024) Ellerslie BID targeted rate which is collected from the ratepayer/property owner or indirectly by the business owner/tenant located within the Ellerslie Business BID boundary area. View your rating invoice/valuation: Click Here
The Ellerslie Business Association works closely with the Orakei Local Board which provides liaison and support with Auckland Council and assists with funding for community events and initiatives.
Be in good company with the Ellerslie Business Association
If you have any questions about starting a business in Ellerslie, if you have feedback or you would like to know more about the events on in our community, please get in touch.
We would love to hear from you!